Doranova designed and built the Hardferm biogas plant for the energy service company Nevel Oy in Juuka over the years 2022-23, addressing a very challenging application. This Hardferm plant uses solid by-products from the adjacent Puljonki Oy’s sauce and broth production, grease trap sludge, and various auxiliary inputs.
The two biggest challenges of the project were extremely tough and bone-rich waste, as well as the high nitrogen content of the inputs. The stringent mechanical requirements were met with Doranova’s Hardferm biogas plant concept, and for managing the nitrogen content, Doranova developed an efficient process monitoring system.
The biogas produced by the plant is dried and fed back to Puljonki Oy for use in process steam production. As a result, the plant has significantly reduced Puljonki Oy’s carbon footprint by decreasing waste transportation and the use of fossil energy.
In addition to design and turnkey contracting, Doranova also operates the biogas plant in Juuka.